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Sunday, 10 July 2016

Representation of Statistical Data

There are many ways to present data, either by using graph or table. These are some of graphs and tables that are mainly use to convey useful information.

  1. Frequency Table
  2. Bar Graph
  3. Pictograph
  4. Line Graph
  5. Pie Chart
  6. Histogram

Frequency Table

Frequency Table Example

A frequency table is created by making a table with 3 columns where the first column for Intervals, the second column for Tally and the third column for Frequency. Picture above is the example of frequency table.

Bar Graph

Bar Graph Example

Bar graph is a graph drawn using rectangular bars to show how large each value is. The arrangement of the bars can be horizontal or vertical.


Pictograph tells a value of data by using pictures or symbol. For example in the above picture, a symbol of cupcake is equivalent to 6 cupcakes.So, in Monday, there 30 cupcakes.

Line Graph

 Line graph is a type of chart that displays information by using a data points called 'markers' and it is connected by a line. It is a basic type of chart and commonly used in many fields.

Pie Chart

 Pie chart is a type of graph which is a circle that will be divided into sectors and each sector represent its own part. For example, the blue colour in above pie chart is representing 'drama' and 5% of people chose it as their favorite type of movie.

. Histogram

 Histogram is a graph that uses rectangular shape to show data and it usually in vertical position. It is quite similar with Bar Chart but histogram uses 'ranges' in the x-axis.


  1. What is the difference between bargraph and histogram?

    1. Bar graph has a gap between the rectangular shape(that indicates the data), while histogram dont have a gap.
